Parikshit reaching the sage's hermitage

King Parikshit’s Curse

With only his bow and arrow for company, King Parikshit was left all by himself, and he was hungry. Very hungry. He walked—as quickly as his fatigue allowed him—in search of some traces of human inhabitation. At last, the famished king stumbled upon a serene hermitage and spotted a sage seated in deep meditation. Parikshit’s dry…

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Gokula celebrating Krishna's birth

Krishna: A Grand Birth

Stars glistened in the dark but clear sky and were positioned auspiciously. All the other planets and celestial objects steadily moved with tranquility. Mother Earth proudly continued adorning her ornaments of towns, villages, fields, and forests. Buoyant songbirds and susurrus bees buzzed and twittered with joy as they were caressed by an aromatic zephyr. Every lake was brimming with water, and every tree wore lush green leaves. All of nature was at its best.

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The small row of ants crawling on the sandy ground that Bharata hopped over

Bharata: The Final Stretch

Memories flooded through the mind of a newborn fawn in the terrains of the Kalanjara mountain. He left his mother and slowly began walking North to the forest of Shaligrama. By no means could he let himself repeat the mistakes of his previous birth. Even after renouncing life as a king in pursuit of Sriman Narayana, he had fallen prey to attachment for an animal. A deer! He was devastated.

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Deer on grass

Bharata: The Bait of Attachment

The deafening roar of a raging lion filled the vicinity of the riverbank. A heavily pregnant doe felt as if her heart had plummeted into her stomach. Her breathing became heavier every second. Overcome with panic she spontaneously leapt across the Gandaki River to escape. As she flew midair, her premature fawn fell out, landing in the caressing water. But as the exhausted and depressed doe’s black hooves met the river’s other bank, she released her final breath. 

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Sriman Narayana rescuing Gajendra

Gajendra’s Surrender

Gajendra charismatically ushered his herd to the nearby river. Like any honorable leader, the elephant king patiently waited for each one of his subjects to quench their thirst.

At last, Gajendra waded in and began drinking. As he gleefully frolicked in the river, he suddenly felt something sharp in his feet.

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